Christianity Church

I always thought ressurection was a funny word. I split it up in my head. Re-Surrection…

Last night I caught up with some of the Yits crew. We somehow fell into a fairly animated discussion about cadvers of all things. A crude definition of a cadaver for those who don’t know, is a dead body particularly referred to this way if it is being ‘cut up’ for science.

So our arguments chased down lines of the bodily resurrection, keeping the body holy, spirit, soul and at what point someone officiallydies. What about those who are bought back to life? What about cremation? Decomposition? Respect for the dead? Horror stories of erm, arms being waved out medical students windows…

I stand (without an excessive amount of thought) that when you’re dead and really dead, that the whole ‘the body is holy’ thing kind of dissipates. Sure I don’t think we need to be throwing heads around but that’s it. It doesn’t matter any more. It’s a shell. It’s not you, it’s not a person. I don’t have any problem with the idea of cremation.

As said. I haven’t explored much about, ‘bodily resurrection’. I am of the understanding we’ll have new bodies eventually… but there you go. My mind has been expanded that some Christians actually think quite differently about this stuff – even the opposition to cremation was kind of out of left field for me.

We didn’t get around to talking about organ donation. My housemate signed up the other day and I’ve been meaning too do so for a long time. Perhaps I’ve just read to many freakish John Grishams’.


fawn1.jpgLike Analise last night I happened to catch the 60-minutes segment on Progeria. I wasn’t paying much attention at all to the game of Scrabble I was meant to be playing. I have seen similar programs before with the same girl being interviewed. I find medical stories like those of Progeria utterly fascinating, and it (Above so much else – perhaps disproportionately, perhaps not) pushes hard on the compassion buttons, while at the same time really inspiring me.

It is things like this that make me wish I’d had the determination to follow through with that half inspiration of becoming a doctor… whenever that was, once upon a time.

To find out more and to donate, Go Here.

There is no cure yet but they have a genetic lead – and are only waiting on the funding to follow through with that.

Tag to Rodney Olsen, to talk about Progeria (If I can do that?)

image credit to Creative Thursday Daily

Life Social Justice