craigslist-furniture-by-kristiana-parn.jpgSaturday, Anne (Geoff’s mum) and I wandered into Kmart in search of a doona cover and there they lay, a stack of Harry Potter books – ignored, a mere 30 minutes after the manic rush.

Anne, Ron and later just Geoff and I spent the next few hours… morning… afternoon looking at three trillion home shops in search of a bed.

Logic goes: Geoff moves on Saturday why not buy a big bed now rather than move his single one and have to deal with it all later. I get a ‘say’ in that I have to like it in 6mths which complicates things probably by 200 because I’m a picky one and can’t seem to help it.

So much for that. After spending hours and hours and hours we left it for Sunday to ‘think on it’ (It = one of the few price worthy in hundreds of no-go’s).

This afternoon we returned preparing to buy it and be done with it, only to be left in mental foetal positions. There was a gaping awning where the bed should’ve been. Nothing. Gone. No red sticker. Just gone.

A rush to Ikea – which is a fair hike, we returned with 1/3 of a bed – the rest to be delivered tomorrow.


Budget and choicey don’t go together. It’s harder to cater for two tastes. I think though, that I was probably the biggest problem with that.

Design Life