The Mellows came for dinner tonight. I love spending time with them. I like laughing my face off.
Shannon bumped me on msn really briefly:
“hey bec…great to read your e-mail last week! Fantastic to hear what you have been up to — sounds like some exciting things have been happening in your life and that God has blessed you with a great new church”
…the last line has me seriously confused. She isn’t a Christian – last I knew. I know her best friend is???? What’s going on there? Is she just saying it?
Caught up with Sam around 3pm this afternoon. We wandered up to Morrisons. Had a good catch up. Decided I’d attempt a bit more face to face candidity (is that a word?). Tried to explain something thats be running through my head a bit lately. Maybe I got there. We theorised for a bit, paid and went next door to the Library which was open for once. I was looking for some photography books but they had about 3 and all crap ones. I came home with a book on body language – one I’ve eyed off in Dymocks. I also looked for the second book in the Number One Ladies Detective Agency books but no such luck.
Car is down at my Uncle Arnie’s (Anthony’s)factory, who is kindly going to work on some stuff. Dad discovered something this morning. The speedo on my car doesn’t work when it’s cold. This is quite funny, bit annoying, it can be replaced fairly cheaply but just another little thing. Of the list for the roadworthy, Dad’s fairly convinced that most will be fine when it’s given a proper clean up so shouldn’t actually cost me that much money.
Dad leaves AUS at some horribly early hour. He’s in the Solomons for two weeks. Misses my graduation and gets back just in time for my (and Laura’s) birthday. No we don’t get up early to say goodbye, that’s done the night before. I’ve been to the airport more times than I can count. Sometimes it’s a friendly place, but on the whole I’d rather avoid it.
I had today off uni, due to my one lecture being cancelled this week. It gave me some time to finish a few things off homework wise – which has been very minimal really. I have a class on ‘sound’ sometime tomorrow and an assignment on that sometime in a few weeks – not so pleased about that as I haven’t ever bothered learning anything about sound files or audio editing etc. to be honest it really doesn’t interest me in the slightest.
And that’ll do for now because I’ve run out of things to say, and I’m sorry I haven’t given you a theoretical one for a while but things go as they go, theoretical takes time.. and I want to get back to the Body Language book. It’s really quite interesting.