Or should I say, the morning before the interview.
I’m just a little bit nervous about the whole deal, but I should be okay.
My main concern is that I don’t follow specific designers and prefer to just browse around at independent artists… I can’t go dropping names. Ah well.
Took a trip into Prahan with Analise today (also Bridge Road for shopping). So I now know where the uni is. It’s so small compared to Deakin! Quite a nice area, although not so green. You can’t have everything. Chapel Street food might be worth it, so I hear.
So in I go with my folio for an 11:15am’er and should be out in 15 minutes.
As it turns out my Deakin semester’s results don’t come out until the evening which may or may not be convenient.
See you on the other side! I am mostly hopeful. I did score an interview after all, on the basis of four little bits of work. We shall see.