A little sunburnt, custardised and having slept better and longer than I do at home… I am back!
No great details just now as I’m off to decorate the Christmas Tree (2 days late. Hmph!) but I had fine, relaxing time and went for at least two long walks along the beach, one by my ownsome (quite happily – it was glorious!) and one with the boy (also exceptional!). Along with a group ~12km walk (apparently). Sore legs. I’ll share photos of the weekend as soon as I get my hands on them.
The wedding on Friday night was the most fun I’ve possibly ever had at a wedding, despite it being the same location as two of the last three weddings I’ve been to and despite keeping off the champagne. It turns out Marko (from Tabor) was the best man and Craig (my Church History lecturer once upon a time) was running the show… erm service. Lots of extra people links. Amy (YITS) was a bridesmaid – but I did know that.
And more good news, I checked my uni results and it turns out I did even better than last semester… ladeda! And I got a Distinction in the subject I was worried about. I must simply be a genius, because I really didn’t put all that much effort into any of it. Modest too. Oh yes they say… and all nod in agreement.
And I passed 6,000 blog views which I suppose isn’t too bad with allsaid coming close to it’s second birthday and me putting very little effort (until recently) into commenting around so that other people can actually find me.
As Tim P and Geoff both understand I had a potentially lethal dose (not really Mum) of Panadol and iced coffee on the drive back, which can account for all strangeness both now and previously. Lang, lang, lang. Alternatively I’m in a particularly good/silly mood from having the type of day that can fit in, ‘a very good day’ category quite comfortably.
Until tomorrow then!