I found her music ages back, but this is a CD I’d really like to own – I had a look in JB (didn’t ask) and it didn’t seem to be there.
Ingrid Micahelson not on Myspace
Know it? Like it?
I found her music ages back, but this is a CD I’d really like to own – I had a look in JB (didn’t ask) and it didn’t seem to be there.
Ingrid Micahelson not on Myspace
Know it? Like it?
Today upped the count of the number of weddings I am to attended between now, and my own to five.
That’s right, I know no details, but my (most favourite) cousin Jaclyn has gotten engaged!!! I was extremely excited to hear. As far as I know they’re looking at making it sound late this year.
Congratulations to Jaclyn and Graeme!
So far no clashes, fingers crossed. This is one I attend no matter who else’s gets in the way.
Wedding count:
Geoff’s cousins x2 – Adelaide, Sydney
My cousins x2 – Melbourne, Melbourne
Friends x1 – Melbourne