I am miffed. My post just got eaten (and Google Reader works on every computer except mine). I was going to explain my absence but it seems you have been saved from a ‘What’s going on’ post.

Instead have a look at this thing about how greed only pays for someone else’s iPhone.

Culture Life

Yesterday my train sat at Heatherdale for a good bit longer than it should have.

After a while the driver comes over the loudspeaker and quite matter of factly appologised, “Sorry folks, I locked myself out of the train!”

I laughed and I had company.

Sometimes I really don’t mind Connex.

On The Train

Annoyinger and annoyinger.

Is Google Reader giving anyone else issues. I haven’t been able to look at any feeds for about 3 days. It shows me they are there but when I click on categories/posts they come up as un-read.

This renders Google Reader utterly useless. I don’t want to have to go back to Bloglines.

(Sorry about no pictures, my internet connection has gone to the dogs – I am on the very edge of wireless range from my landlord’s house and the weather or something seems to make it very unhappy indeed.)

Blogging General

A few Sunday’s ago Geoff and I were up at Ranges. I said in this post that I’d let you know when Geoff’s sermon was up online, now it is, so here’s the link! (Thanks Scott/Christina)

Christianity Church


wiiOf blogging distractions, this is quite a nice one.

Thursday evening Geoff and I went out and bought ourselves a Nintendo Wii.

I shall return someday…

General Life