1. said:

    I sat in front of the television this morning watching the events unfold and silently wept. It was a moving demonstration of doing the right thing even when doing the right thing is hard.

    It was incredibly powerful to see both sides of politics speaking so strongly in favour of the apology with a resolve to move toward a fairer Australia for our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

    February 13, 2008
  2. I confess I might’ve cried ever so little too 😛

    February 13, 2008
  3. said:

    I thought it was really interested that Rudd mentioned a “clanging gong” or something like that (obviously with the aforementioned passage in mind) during his speech.
    Its so great to see a decidedly Christian leader of our country doing the right thing.
    I cried in front of the telly with all of you too.
    And I have never felt more patriotic (ie: proud to be australian) ever. This day made me so joyous.
    It also evidences the importance of saying sorry when wrong has been done. As we all saw it does so much more than just give lip service. It acknowledges pain and yesterday our new PM told thousands of hurting Australians that their heartbreak and sorrow over what happened to them or their family matters and is profoundly justified.

    February 14, 2008
  4. said:

    Jess…”A decidedly Christian leader” ….???

    February 15, 2008

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