I have a current penchant for Goldies Fruit Loaf. I seriously love the stuff. It makes great toast. Our local IGA stocks it. Goldies don’t really seem to have a proper web presence… but then perhaps it’s asking a bit much for your food to follow you around online. If you see it, you should try some though. It almost beats the good old Tip-Top Raisin Bread – although not on price.

Some day I’m going to crank out the breadmaker that we have stuffed in the back of the cupboard – I don’t think it really suits our lifestyle (cop out!). Geoff’s parents – before I knew them ran a bread making shop, selling the supplies as a change from teaching, so I’d best go talk to them.

Here’s where I confess that one of my favourite things in going to the football with the Matheson family is the hotdog rolls (homeade) that they take along, with the dogs in the thermos. Oh so good.

Well there it is, the first and probably last post on bread ever.


I like you all, so I think I might tell you that today is my birthday (I did already anyway in the previous post).

Farewell oh 21, today is 22 and I’m finally sounding a tiny bit older.

(And Geoff gave me some nice presents)
