popular-penguin-coversLast night saw the roll out of Cat and my brainchild. A bookclub that takes it’s material from the Popular Penguin books, mostly because they are cheap, readily available and on the whole with only a few exceptions entirely fantastic. There are twelve of us – largish group really, but despite not everyone knowing each other it seemed to work quite splendidly. We will be meeting once a month (subject to review).

First book on the agenda is Cold Comfort Farm, which I can hopefully go purchase today. We meet again in a month. I’m either going to have to pace myself or write notes to aid my shocking memory, unless of course the book is slow and dull and then it might take me a month… although I somehow doubt it.

I’m rather happy to be finally doing something like this. Now I just have to convince everyone that reading a John Wyndam is worthwhile – despite it being kind of vaguely sci-fi. And do the dishes from last night…
