I am online!

Geoff is the mighty genius behind the resolution. I’m sitting in my room and my email has been read and Google Reader is open and… ahhhhh!

Computers are not the same without the internet. Infact they are practically useless.

Life has not changed, it is still busy and I’m beginning to hit little points of: perfect homework = not quite as important as living.

As for blogging/writing while being offline, I couldn’t seem to find the time and I know heaps and heaps of interesting and somewhat random thoughts passed through my head and I still have a whole Forge conference to reflect on. Bit of a bummer for a ‘gap’ in the record, but it really was probably just one more thing I couldn’t fit into my already over charged mind.

That saying I will genuinely have to go back and read up and find out where I left you all.

Until shortly,

Rebecca – back in the land of communication, glorious time wasting with a world of information at her fingers.

