Choose your own adventure

typesmall.jpgI love underestimating.

You give yourself another ‘whole day’ to get everything homework related finalised and you do work solidly for you know, 7 hours and then you reach dinner and have to opt out of going to catch up with your friends because there are all these little pesky, “You must lay our your development work xyz and be ever so precise…” Then you have a short break to let your housemate rant about something (and enjoy it because it is a break and you kind of want to rant about it too) and a shower and make another cup of tea after stopping to eavesdrop the guitar coming from the other room while guiltily grabbing a few short minutes with God that should’ve really happened in the morning and finish up your last sidetrack by writing a blog entry before you get back to it.

You know you have an 8:30am start. You know this stuff really should be done by tomorrow (Even though it’s not final-final submission).

What do you do?

1) Turn to page 12
2) Turn to page 23

(Ps. TYPE – glorious creativity for my Typography assignment struck me during a monotonous Friday afternoon stock-take. I did only end up using one of those letters but they were by far the most fun to make. Bubblewrap is.)

One Comment

  1. said:


    I’m going to go with turning to page 23, grabbing an obscure reference from it, before hitting page 12 to finish the final paragraph and adding a concluding sentence.

    When all else fails, totally bluff your way out of it!

    I’m impressed by your commitment to get this assignment done though- especially sidetracking the ever magnificently, splendid yet perfect excuse for procrastination friends. Keep at it girl, because come 9:00 am tomorrow morning, you aren’t going to be worrying about it anymore.

    “So when the burden seems to much to bear, remember, the end will justify the pain it took to get us there”- Relient K

    Love Turtle

    April 2, 2007

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