I am finally around to posting! Feels a bit odd, the longish break. Three or so days… hohum.
Geoff’s writing has put a halt to mine! Perhaps not.
I have been rather busy, between uni (Hardly any compared to what I should be doing), early wedding stuff (Too much as to what I should be doing), young adults and general headspace which has been practically non-existant.
Some moments.
Young adults last night was flipped on end as we made fat headway into some ongoing issues, a bit of reconciliation time and God doing some really good stuff.
The BIG Wedding talk with the parents – getting initial ideas and budget out on the table. Fairly exhausting stuff. It makes me a little sick as to how much everything costs. It’s a bit ridiculous. I don’t know where my head is in justifying the money and wanting something really nice and me. Sure it’s a celebration but… Regardless, the afternoon/day was very productive, we tried to cover way too much but hey, I’m glad it’s out there.
Food poisoning, of a very low level. Geoff and I wound up at some half classy, half really not place and the next morning we were on the train together and I mentioned that I suddenly felt rather sick. He said he’d been that way all morning and due to my ‘almost puking’ status I got off the train early and went right back home and ignored uni for the day.
A LOT of emails and text messages. Also some really nice people (some whom I don’t even know in person) have put links up, it’s quite amusing and quite nice:
So… the wedding ideas continue. I suspect it’ll be a mad rush early on, the eye of the storm in the middle, and the horror at the end… (pessimistic perspective) – really I intend to keep things as low stress as I possibly can. It is after all one day. I intend to have fun getting there. Besides the wedding isn’t the point. The marriage is.
I know this probably isn’t the place for this, but what the hey.
We’ll get through all this babe. Young Adults was a huge step forward on Wednesday night for helping reassure me that no situation is too far out of control for God to handle.
I’m very, very proud of you.
**Sigh** They grow up so fast.
Only 2 years ago we where all innocent 18 year-olds getting lost in the Eastern Suburbs late at night……..
But at risk of sounding repetitive, Congratulations again!!!