Sorry to Paul, but this comment about bridesmaids deserves sharing.
Chloe at uni claims that the reason for the somewhat hideous salmon (and like) bridesmaid dresses, is to make the bridesmaids ugly so that the bride stands out more.
Image by Sarah Mensinga
Mmm.. I rather like that idea. You could go one step further, and replace satin with sackcloth, flowers with weeds, and makeup with wallpaint. The bride would definitely stand out with exceptional beauty. Just imagine you as the bride walking down the isle, after a procession of clowns. But then again, even a beautiful picture has a beautiful frame.
We do love your picture frame reference Elyce, Ana and I couldn’t agree more! Though come to think of it we do think a lovely shade of salmon or tangerine would enhance our natural beauty, especially if you combined the dresses with a large brown sash with lots (and we mean LOTS) of frilly lace! Ana wants a froofy taffetta silk bow on her rear-end and Laura insists on mile-high high heels with and a flouncy cupcake dress!
Oh and to top it off the groomsmen must match with sexy salmon coloured cumberbunds and pink carnation button holes!
Happy wedding planning Beckie,
Ana and Laura
P.S understand the above criteria must be met if you wish us to accept your gracious offer to be in the wedding party.
Bec I have heard it said.
But I’ve got a set of those friends who are so gorgeous they would probably actually make potato sacks fashionable [yeah, THOSE friends :P] Plus I know what dress I’ll be wearing on the day [Here I’m going to correct you, because I actually have the most beautiful dress in the world ;)] While I do love the bridesmaids dresses, I love mine even more…So I can tolerate them looking all pretty!
As much as I wanna look like one hot mumma on my wedding day I don’t think I would ever forgive myself if I made my bridesmaids the ugga’s on the day…remember your the one who’s gonna have the pictures on the walls and aint no one else gonna take the credit for the ghastly gowns, so if you do choose to go with the ‘Lets ug em down so I’ll look even more spruced up” at some point your going to be asked “What the hell we’re you thinking when you chose THAT colour?!!” haha
In my opinion, it’s easier to keep everything pretty, coz after all Bec, you’re going to look like a goddess on your big day!
Oh but how fun is it to torment your bridesmaids with the threat of ugly dresses, plus they would help to keep the day light and full of laughter, you wouldn’t be able to stop laughing everytime you looked at them!
Keep having fun Bec (ignore Paul, I love this wedding banter!! )
Jess xoxo
Don’t worry about it Bec. You’ll be the belle of the ball no matter what the bridesmaids are wearing. Geoff will think so anyway… and that’s the main thing. I’m just looking forward to watching you dance in front of everyone. 😛
good luck with that paul….i heard something i was not happy to hear…something about not dancing?? is it true?
Not dancing is a FABULOUS idea.
We are dancing. But we are also having a friend perform while we are dancing so the focus is not ALL on us (who am I kidding? As if everyone won’t have their eyes glued in our directiong). Perhaps we will have a “black out” at the time of the bridal waltz (what a hideous name).
laura!! You forgot to mention that i wanted a perm aka kath and kim styled poofy poodle-like hair
oh! it will look hot as :p