The Mind – POD


  1. said:

    It’s a reminder that everything we write is public….which is a good thing. I try (and undoubtedly fail!) to only ever say or write things that I would be happy for absolutely anyone to hear, and to live my life with nothing to hide.

    Of course I don’t always achieve that, but I do try…and it’s one of the reasons that I don’t like blogging, posting etc anonymously . It’s good to know that you’ll be held accountable for your statements.

    February 20, 2008
  2. said:

    It is probably not a bad thing to remember that there are real people on the other end of our links…! I don’t like being anonymous either – it is a helpful thing to be accountable for what we say. I can understand why it makes blogging feel a bit weird Bec!

    February 20, 2008

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