What song did you walk down the aisle to?
It took us a very long time to decide (or maybe it was my fault) but this was our ‘yes we’ll use it unless we find something else that’s ‘perfect’. Ha. It was just right and no we didn’t find anything else – I was not disappointed, I think I kind of wanted it to be this underneath everything.
What song did you walk out to?
It was imperative that U2 featured somewhere in the day and you might as well watch it with the amusing video clip. It was just a fun song to walk out with and did hold some meaning for things we believe and agree with.
What song did you sing during the service, and why?
We went fairly traditional here, with a hymn (shock horror). We were originally going to have two songs, one hymn – because Geoff loves it, and one probably more modern familiar. The second didn’t happen because we couldn’t find one we wanted and came to the conclusion that we’d keep things shorter but just going with the one. We had friends help out with the music and Robyn lead a beautifully upbeat – How Great Thou Art, skipping the woods glades verse. If I could’ve had one more hymn (and really one is enough) I would’ve liked Be Thou My Vision… but then my parents used that, so I’m not sure.
What about the music through the signing of the registry?
My little sister Hannah and her boy Dan and another mate, Steve sang an adapted version of a My Friend the Chocolate Cake song. Geoff and I actually didn’t know the song very well at all. More Heart Than Me is actually on their Myspace page at the moment. Hannah sang a ‘more cheerful’ version and they interchanged a few shes with he’s to fit us. It was fantastic – I heard more of it during their practice than on the day.
What an odd post…
Nice choices Bec!
*sigh* I would have loved to have had some U2, but my husband doesn’t like them. Boo.
We didn’t have ANY music during our ceremony! That too was something he felt strongly about (I would have preferred music, but it wasn’t a matter of principles to me), because he thinks it’s one of the most alienating parts of church culture. That’s kinda interesting, coming from a muso who led worship teams for years! (It’s a view I’ve heard expressed by other people, both church-goers and non-church goers)
We did, however, have plenty of great music after the ceremony…so much so that someone commented to him that it was typical of us that we’d have a wedding that felt more like a musical festival than anything else. LOL!
i really like that song ‘more heart than me’ and hannah did a lovely job.