Today I sat and looked at the most massive pile (electronically speaking) of starred Google Reader posts and decided it was time to do something different.
My previously ‘starred’ items that I used as link love and reader love, now reside under Google shared Items. This means that I do not have to individually pull their link out and into a standard blog post. I share it and it gos up automatically, there is even an rss feed for the purpose and I will dump the link I’m about to give you somewhere in the sidebar.
As the backlog was horrendous, this also means that the current ‘shared list’ is quite long. So if you have some time and want some eye candy or brain candy, here it is. Collected for you. They live there forever.
Needless to say, links will not disappear coming through here, but now get to spy on things I find inspiring, both in the art, personal and theological world sooner, I get to be distinctly more lazy (or perhaps more efficient) and probably get less back traffic (not such a good thing, but for the sake of dealing with it all, is for the best).
Now if only Google would let me categorise the shared items?
“brain candy”
Haha. Don’t ever change.
“Now if only Google would let me categorise the shared items” – well it will let you “Share with note”. Not quite the same, but it’s getting closer!