Well the holidays hit and the blog rev turns instead to a grunting stall.
Monday night went something like this: Okay, I feel a bit odd but I might go to Blair and Kyla’s Christmas craft night, because it’s a bit different and could be fun… 15mins after Geoff drops me there, I throw up in toilet. I get Laura to take me home and subsequently spend the rest of the evening throwing up/the other side of the story, not getting much sleep and generally sick.
Tuesday I coped, slept and worked (?weird but true) and didn’t chuck until after dinner, post some stupid food choices.
It is now Wednesday and I was almost convinced I was better this morning, but have since spent a good part of the day in bed in front of a movie.
At least while I survive on salada’s and powerade, there are some interesting blog related ideas brewing with a few friends of mine. And now I have to go to a branding meeting.
ohhh bec!
i hope you’re feeling better soon!
what movie did you watch?
Bec your gonna hate me for it, but the second I read this, the very first thought that popped into my head was “PREGGO’S”
I get it from everyone whenever I’m sick, so I just thought I’d pass on the fun…
Hope you’re feeling alot better soon Bec!
– Jess
In my blog reader it has this post as “Bec on vomit”.
That was amusing enough for me to comment on it…
however, being sick is not fun. I’m trying to figure out what I ate wrong that made me feel like crap yesterday.
and I was rubbing my tummy cause it made it feel better, but really made me look pregnant…