1. said:

    Jas, Mark, John and I are all here observing how much of a massive nerd this makes you. 😛

    May 23, 2009
  2. iKid said:

    I so wanted to be there 🙁
    I was at the Chaddy opening – one of the first 60 or something.

    May 23, 2009
  3. said:

    hey, i’m really trying not to troll and am genuinely confused… why would you go to an opening of a retail shop (at all)? let alone at 5am…

    May 25, 2009
  4. said:

    haha, it was not that early (about 8:15am) when we got there. We did it for amusement and a free tshirt. The guys there who stayed the night would’ve been there for the ‘glory’ of being the first in the Apple Store doncaster – not such a big deal as it’s not the first in Victoria unlike the Chadstone store. It’s a nerd thing.

    May 25, 2009

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