These were easy. Two cans of mini chickpeas in the blender* (I’d suggest you could use one bigger can). An egg. Some corriander seeds, some cummin, some fresh parsley – I used normal, flat would work just as well if not better. Blend. They were too mushy so I added some bread-crumbs. Made burgers and cooked them in a little bit of oil. Got to be fairly healthy too? See, the Edgell’s can says Low GI. Probably more healthy with salad. I didn’t have anything more decent than iceberg – and I forgot about that until after I ate them. So I ate them with Dijon and Snog** instead. They’d be good with something like Tatziki or you could go the chickpea overkill and add Hommus. I reckon adding garlic would also taste pretty grand.
So the lazy way to eat: put burgers on plate and eat with sauce and mustard or whatever other plethora of condiments you find in the fridge – which smells btw and should be cleaned out.
The fancy way: add garlic to the mix, serve with roquette, taziki and hommus.
*Only do this if you want to use your blender as a food processor – I don’t own a food processor
**Dead Horse, Tomato Sauce. Not Ketchup.
Btw I am not vego. I actually probably really prefer burgers with MEAT but these are cheap and easy and I will most likely make them again.
(Inspiration from Donna Hay – which I’m hesistant to share because a certain friend now wont cook them out of predjudice. And really, this friend needs all the help she can get, being an aspiring vego that still eats cheesburgers, right Ana?!)
Two mini cans of chickpeas make 3.5 burgers OR 3 burgers and one mini burger OR 3 really big burgers OR multiple miniture burgers, you could almost do mock fallafel with this stuff really… it’s all vegetarian.
I am sure that if a lovely friend cooked them for me, I could ignore the origins of aformentioned burgers.