- My husband is lovely
- Coffee is momentarily not as appealing as it often is, tea is winning – although it feels wrong to order tea when out.
- I am sleep deprived
- I have subscribed to too many blogs and don’t have the energy to cull them down
- I would like it if someone were to invent a method of transport that is instantaneous
- I should write something more creative in some way shape or form
- I would quite like a sewing machine and after suggesting I probably would never sew my own clothes I would like to give some things a good crack
- I am nearing the end of 23 and about to progress to 24
- Our current bookclub book is dreary (Madame Bovary)
- I would like a holiday – although it feels rather unreasonable to feel such
- G & I watched a whole disk of How I Met Your Mother tonight
- I am still job hunting despite having a job – mostly because this current job is not why I studied design
- Beetroot tastes earthy and it’s pretty much the most legitimate way to eat something flavoured like dirt (it’s good stuff!)
- I followed a cocktail party with an early morning meeting (fool)
Published March 28, 2010 by Rebecca Matheson