It’s January and the Christmas tree is still up, the lounge room however wall has changed colour and I’ve at very least sorted a few things out but the garden is a jungle, I haven’t cooked for myself in several days and so on…
There are a few things I would like to improve on this year.
- Have more people over
- Get vaguely fit/eat healthier and more varied foods
- Watch less television
- Spend more time talking with Geoff
- Deal with the backyard/garden
- More time with God (actual decent time)
Nothing revolutionary. Quite sedate, standard things really. Which is what would be truly nice for this year – after a year of so much change and newness.
Totally stealing from Ann Voskamp and her post about ‘Naming the Year‘ I have chosen the word Communion. I did actually sit down and pray (terribly briefly) about what it should be – but looking at that list up there and from what I can gather, this is what keeps resonating. The list after all is very much about connecting with other people and with God and with my surroundings, and for someone who lives far too much life in her head, I think this is something I should be thinking about.
I do feel rather disconnected from the depth of life that used to be so obvious and present.
I hope to write here more. But I hope to write here less if it means I am spending my time more richly.
“Maybe communion is just a way of waking up to reality of real living” – Ann Voskamp
Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” – John 14:23
I love that word!