
I grew up overseas.

Before we left the Solomons (when I was 15 or so) I spent weeks with my (I’m sure terrible) camera trying to cement locations and that smell of green that flattens you when step out of that steamy, oppressive Henderson Airport. And then we came back to Australia and the computer ate them and a little bit of me.

I’ve been back once. A few years ago. I had a camera but I also had a lot of other things to process.

One day I will go back again, to show my kid/s (A genuine reality any day now, seeing as baby is due today). One day I might even go out West, after 10 years of living there – I really only saw two of the main islands: Guadalcanal and Malaita. I will go back and I will take my camera.

But until then, here are the Solomons through Tom Perry’s lens. Or through his book. Solo: Life in the Solomon Islands. All profits to the San Isidro Care Centre, who provide accommodation, schooling and a pretty special environment for Sols kids living with disabilities. Buy it.

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