Teenage Affluenza

This is worth watching!


  1. said:

    Oh come on, what’s wrong with the late 80’s corolla!

    That was kinda impacting. I like it! Powerful.

    June 21, 2007
  2. said:

    Brilliant. Thanks for posting it.

    June 21, 2007
  3. Rhonda said:

    Thanks Bec, I had heard of this You Tube but hadn’t seen it.
    I’m not feeling so guilty about getting my girls to help me tidy up after dinner before they start watching Home & Away. Powerful, very relevant stuff indeed!

    June 21, 2007
  4. said:

    Apparently it made it to the second highest watched YouTube clip. TV stations in the US are picking it up and perhaps (you can only hope) Australian Television will do the same!

    June 21, 2007
  5. Divegrl6 said:

    I’m sorry.

    But I find this funny.

    They really shouldn’t have used sarcasm/irony.


    June 24, 2007
  6. said:

    why shouldn’t have they have used sarcasm/irony – it seems almost delicately too close to the truth? I am curious.
    It is funny in many ways. It is also quite powerful.

    June 24, 2007
  7. Quarup said:

    This video is great, but what about adults that need to have the latest gucci bag or BMW? Aren’t they equally ignorant?

    June 25, 2007
  8. said:

    This is part of the advertising for World Vision’s “40 Hour Famine” which is a fundraising thing they do with teenagers. so it makes sense for this to be directly aimed at teenagers. Absolutely adults are equally ignorant, and there’s no doubt that this is a message everyone needs to hear, not just teenagers

    June 25, 2007
  9. said:

    I swear that guy had his toungue in his cheek so much his teeth must have gotten lonely.

    Actually I did think the sarcasm was a little juvenile and vicious… but also justified and amusing. The serious booming voice, as if for a thoughtful, emotionally stimulating documentary, was disturbingly familiar.

    And that’s not me overanlysing… this is me overanalysing: my only quarrel with it (if I was to have a quarrel with it, which would be a little juvenile and vicious) is that it might allow a minority of people to continue in their illusion that Australian kids are all spoilt and ungreatful brats who should just lighten up, toughen up, and knuckle down for something that ‘really’ matters.

    I’m sure World Vision weren’t playing a guilt game tho, I guess they were crossing their fingers and touching wood, and hoping that Australians still have the ability to laugh at themselves. For the rest of the world, its easier… they can laugh at us, and forget its just as much about them… but somehow… I dont think it would be as prolific as it is if it wasnt hitting home on a personal level…

    So there you go; thats me really ovaranlysing. Feel free to edit this to a slimline paraphrase if you like bec… something vague and approving like “yeah its good, just dont take it too literally”

    June 26, 2007

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