Bec and Geoff are married

Hello. A two week hiatus is about the longest All Said and Done has ever seen. I did forget to wish myself/blog a happy 3rd birthday on December the 12th. So happy 3 years.

My mind can now muse wedding without being at all stressfully consumed. It is a strange thing, there is a whole side of my brain that has returned cleanspun. I have yet to wade through every single photo (Although I’m giving it a good shot – hurry up people if you haven’t posted them yet!) and present unwrapping will happen tonight.

We arrived back late last night… a good four hours later than intended as our car blew up on the way home. This was really the most major drama, bar the Spamalot tickets that were booked for the wrong date but that turned our stupendously and ended happily with far better seats than we started with. The car is probably very very dead and is sitting in a little town four hours away. Thanks to kind friends and parents we did arrive home, but somewhat more tired than you should be after a two week honeymoon.

As details are treacherous, especially when talking about your honeymoon, I shall outline the weeks away in a series of links. Where and what: the stay, entertainment and food highlights. No you’ll never know the whole story even if you tap into my brain, I’ve probably sub foldered everything. It’s safer you know.

After all that. I am very, very happy to be Mrs. Matheson and it sure is nice to be home.

Blogging Coffee Cooking Culture Holidays Life Relationships Wedding

pony.jpgThis morning things were much and frustrating. I went for a stint to get my eyes sorted only to be gobsmobbled by the dollar value an unavoidable somewhat heretical issue relating to the cost of lenses not frames. Fortunately, cost aside, my eyes have declined only ever so slightly and are coping marvelously with the contact lenses. I should have ‘the new look’ in a week or two with my pocket sorely narrower. They are nice frames. If you have an OPSM voucher to take any amount off the cost of lenses I would kill you for it. Please make it mine. I can promise you blog credit (or at least much thanks).

So my head is cleared momentarily while my eyes have lights shone into them and are stretching, stretching to make out minute H’s and P’s, then my head is bombed with the cost – which overshaddows the previous: oh there’s so much left to do before the wedding/uni enrollment is slightly different than it should be/Tabor’s chasing me for my certificate which has a number wrong on it and I can’t find it etc. etc. etc.

So I go home and I annoy my sister while looking for an OPSM voucher (that ‘might’ve’ come recently) and I tell her to tell me why she likes her boy and then I snooze on her bed and find a potato lunch.

Then I go to search for sanity.

So this cafe is no longer ‘right’ and that cafe is full, so I go up the mountain and keep going to that nice place and it’s not so full as it normally is on a beautiful day, and I order a big coffee while confusing the waitress and I go out and sit outside. In a short time I get up and move tables and enjoy the sun and then the latte and the copious lists, literal lists that keep streaming from my eyes and I am writing it out and sprewing the junk from my brain storing it elsewhere for later and I’m giving myself time to enjoy and to think and to stop and to bah expectations. I dictate an approach to life that resides with the idealistic possible.

I go for a wander in search of an illusive comb/clip. Drive and wander. Drive and wander and wander bang into an old friend and talk and leave and wander and buy some fun antique Christmas decorations for hardly anything at all. I don’t find the comb.

Then I drive off the mountain and fight cars for places and spend twenty minutes with the best ever Myers Store person ever while they sort how to ‘fly in’ something we’re after for the wedding. Victoria hasn’t any left. Brisbane does but you have to pay extra. Perth is shocking on the phone but finally successful. 17 left. She pulls strings for me and gets in extras to check sizes. I leave details, a smile and the promise of a call within 10 days. It sometimes pays to use the word wedding.

Geoff and I bash around in the kitchen and cook nice food then watch a crazy movie we’ve had stored up. Science of Sleep. It is brilliant. It’s totally whacked. We talk and think and talk and think and then I tell him to go to bed and now I’m home, here.

image from here 

Coffee Life Wedding Words

gingerbreadlattestarbucks.jpgIt would be an easy post to write, should it be all over my delight that Starbucks Christmas has again come around and I can indulge in gingerbread lattes once more, however a casual catch up with a friend wound up quite differently.

Sam and I were scheduled to catch up this morning at the local shopping centre’s Starbucks. We managed to catch up, but not before we’d run in to Kerryn – a girl we both did YITS with and have since lost some contact. I have in the past described Kerryn as: exuberant, wacky and encouraging, inclusive of that, she is quite a remarkable girl with very few inhibitions who lives Christianity more bravely than most.

With Kerryn was Art, a 30 something guy whom she’d met through work. So we sat down with our drinks *key happy noise for gingerbread latte here* for a brief catch up/chat.

Suddenly the conversation flips on it’s small talk head and Art throws forward a question about religion. The question was answered badly and then tangented and I was like ‘oooh’ (in my head) ‘I don’t think we should let that one get away’.

And it came back.

And I was like, ‘Oh what the heck, why not try’.

What followed was a pretty intense conversation about what we/I (I’ll go with I, because I wound up doing most of the talking with Sam and Kerryn adding a few comments here and there) believe and who is God and what is God and this and that and oh my freaking goodness xyz and it was all wound up in philosophy and the problem with humankind and….

The problem was, was that at the beginning of the conversation he gave me zero clues to what he knew about God and Jesus so I had nothing to go on and I really did a crapshit job at explaining anything basic well. Sam later described it as as ‘Jesus waiting patiently for the disciples to stop furfing around before he spoke’. Anyway, Art slowly let more of his ideas out of the bag and suddenly I was facing this guy who was reasonably intelligent, 10 odd years older than me, had clearly thought a lot of this God stuff through, didn’t think much of religion and had plenty of questions, some of them a bit tainted by human limitation and really eager to hear thoughts and also to challenge inability to understand.

I think I was buzzing more with trepidation and the clumsiness of my explanations and ideas, than the fact that oh my goodness, here I am having my first candid and good but somewhat difficult conversation with an adult who is interested in this God stuff. Sad but true. I don’t tend to ever open up myself to those situations.

Anyway. We threw things back and forth and I think/hope I managed to convey what I thought clearly (give me a blog or paper any day over talking to someone!). I came away feeling extremely challenged to work out how to learn how articulate what I believe better.

He thanked me at the end of it for persisting, giving him some things to think about and being willing to chat.

It was kind of crazy. It was astonishing but it kind of scared me. I still can’t believe it.

Christianity Coffee Life

Speaking of being a slave to appreciation, this morning had me leaping out of bed at 8:10am and race to the milkbar (before an 8:30 online class), I prayed would be open with nothing in my wallet (I had to scrounge for loose change around my house) for milk.

It seems I have a love-affair with Earl Grey.

I got home, triumphant and successful and found out that the last Earl Grey tea bag had run out so I’m stuck here drinking Irish Breakfast.

It’s such a hard life!

Coffee Life