By 6:30 this morning I was not ready to get out of bed, I was ready to get back into it.

By 8:00 I was sitting on a delayed train, due to some sick person on the train in front (later found out excessive vomiting all over the carriage) which had to have an ambulance called and took a massive 15minutes to get there. Devouring more of the endless The Potato Factory (heh just dawns on me why it’s called that now) feeling very sleepy.

By 3:00pm the only thing I felt capable of doing was going home and falling asleep for some hugely long period of time.

By 3:30pm I was lamenting the fact that I had to stick around work until 8:30 due to a work Christmas party (not the staff one, but the ‘friends’ one) and all I wanted to do was sleep.

By 4:00pm I had serious contemplations of getting the train home and abandoning Jess (who hadn’t even gotten there – she was waitressing) with people she’d never met before, all for sleep.

A full day. Busy is good, bar the site surveys, which I am slowly getting used to and still thoroughly hate doing.

A full evening with fairly low key (unpaid) help from me.

And now I am online at 10:15.

Call me a fool because I am one.

I’m going to bed.

General Work