After 8 hours of work. Half of my fine family presented themselves at the shops, ready to shop. Groanage to the delayed lift home, it meant more hours not in comfort.
I found jeans. It’s really really hard for me to get pants, seriously. I found two pairs – and so bought them both (oww on the pocket). One of the pairs, thanks to Giordano’s free hemming service are being taken up – only 3inches as opposed to Em’s 5… Reasonable deal, getting two pairs at once. So not excruciatingly expensive. I was fairly shocked that I had to get a size 8 for them to even fit me… I’m usually not a size 8. The half size (9) was even too big. Really weird. They aren’t even very tight.
The others were cheaper, still too long, but I like them. Normal size. Thank you. I should be all set for the rest of the year now. Seeing as I’ve worn out most of my other pairs in some way or other (ie: mega holes in the knees).
thus endth blog on jeansies. Can you tell I need sleep?
the pair of jeans i rather liked have a hole in them. they are only new, from sportsgirl, and im rather annoyed. the hole is on the right leg, in the seam, a little lower than my hip.
i think i need to learn how to sew.
woo on finding jeansies though.
all my jeans have holes in them. ALL of them. except one pair which i dont wear because they fall down and i dont like them.
now lucky bec has 2 pairs new jeans
yay well done.