School’s Out

My how grand!

‘School’s Out’

I had my last exam at Deakin at about 9:15am this morning, (and maybe forever, or at least for a good few years, as Communication Design doesn’t have any – granted I get in).

baby dragonsIt’s nice.

The exam was, (to use an overused metaphor) a piece of cake. 12 short-long answer questions, the first 10 marks were simple definitions. I really only had to think a little about 2 of the 12.

The paper had a mistake in it, which I didn’t really realise until Jen pointed it out after we’d gotten out. HCI (Human Computer Interface) was written as: Human Computer Interaction, which is, like it or not vaguely different and probably did affect my answer.

I am actually reasonably pleased that’s so because out of the lot it was really the only question I had to hypothesize on a little bit and who knows 😛 It might be taken into consideration.

I’m pleased in some way that I didn’t put any more time into studying for it – it would’ve been a sobbing waste. Not nice on my work ethic conscience, I can’t have given it officially more than about 3 hours max.

Anyhoo, enough uni ramblings.

Holidays, I have been hanging out for You for a long, long time!

(and my isn’t this picture disturbing!)


  1. said:

    HCI stands for Human-Computer Interaction as far as I’m aware.

    Well done on finishing up for the year.

    November 11, 2006
  2. said:

    mmm, on further thought, it seems it is so. The interesting thing is I clearly remember seeing lecture slides with HC-Interface. Curious really. Ahh another classy D-uni move.

    November 11, 2006

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