mmm.. it tasted great Bec-now can you pull it off a second time and impress the guests? I’m sure you can . Brings back nice fuzzy memories of thanksgivings int he Sols-and I always thougt those Americans were so clever making this.
PS are you going to make Geoff and the others dress up as pilgrims ?!
Oh, what a glorious pie! Beautiful, intelligent, and I’m yet to have seen any evidence to say that she’s anything other than a wonderful cook! It doesn’t get much better than that! I’m proud of you babe 😛
[…] Since then, I have consumed a few watered down glasses of cordial, a couple of slices of toast with a bit of vegemite and some stewed apple. I saw the doctor yesterday and he ran some tests. He reckons that I’ve got a rare type of food poisioning – more specifically chronotrianic cucurbitis. Apparently, only 2.4% of the population are susceptible to it. It strikes you down after about three days after eating bad pumpkin! As you can imagine, aside from the severe abdominal pain and vomiting, I find this extremely amusing. The doctor also warned me that one of the side effects of the illness is inventing fake diseases to tease your friends and their cooking… but I don’t seem to have experienced any of that yet. If I start italicising nonsensical words that are meant to sound like they’re latin, that’d probably be a warning sign. […]
mmm.. it tasted great Bec-now can you pull it off a second time and impress the guests? I’m sure you can . Brings back nice fuzzy memories of thanksgivings int he Sols-and I always thougt those Americans were so clever making this.
PS are you going to make Geoff and the others dress up as pilgrims ?!
Oh, what a glorious pie! Beautiful, intelligent, and I’m yet to have seen any evidence to say that she’s anything other than a wonderful cook! It doesn’t get much better than that! I’m proud of you babe 😛
And Melinda – there’s a simple answer. No
Hey mum….
I think I’ve found a new cook
[…] Since then, I have consumed a few watered down glasses of cordial, a couple of slices of toast with a bit of vegemite and some stewed apple. I saw the doctor yesterday and he ran some tests. He reckons that I’ve got a rare type of food poisioning – more specifically chronotrianic cucurbitis. Apparently, only 2.4% of the population are susceptible to it. It strikes you down after about three days after eating bad pumpkin! As you can imagine, aside from the severe abdominal pain and vomiting, I find this extremely amusing. The doctor also warned me that one of the side effects of the illness is inventing fake diseases to tease your friends and their cooking… but I don’t seem to have experienced any of that yet. If I start italicising nonsensical words that are meant to sound like they’re latin, that’d probably be a warning sign. […]