A couple of days ago I glanced quickly at a blog post that I’d written and was somewhat horrified to see that I had started almost every paragraph with I.

Not only does this display a very poor variety of sentence structure but it strikes me as being altogether self absorbed.

Now I would like to give you the opportunity to let me know what you like reading on here. It is incredibly easy and mindless to write about my day and about me or I or whoever.

So if you could comment on this post and vote in the side bar (as soon as I get it up) then I’d appreciate it.

What do you want to see more of?

Blogging General

raffaellosI missed Buy Nothing Day.

I went shopping instead. Of course the whole thing was under the guise of getting a few things for tonight’s Youth Group Sleepover Breakup (“Must supply the kiddies with enough sugar to keep them happy with PG movies”) and my drive-illiterate sister Emily’s pleading. It unfortunately turned out quite expensive.

So, I got some more of my photo’s printed and duplicates for others, that was fine, that was intentional.

At the ABC shop I found the David Copperfield DVD (Dickens) which is a family favourite and we only own a taped video. It was cheap… so I bought it.

At JB a double CD Acoustic mix caught my eye and my head justified that I haven’t bought music in quite a while and I’m sick of scrounging around myspace having to hit play every 3 minutes. 40 new songs.

And… while getting the aforementioned youth leaders peace offering sugar I decided to treat myself to some Raffaello’s (pretty much some of my most favourite chocolate in the whole world) while getting some chocolate for someone else. Now at home I can’t find either them… except on the receipt. Not impressed. Sometimes you really look forward to little things like that.

Alas to be shown up as consumeristic!

General Life