21501493425129fe6.jpgAh the ridiculous nature of posting at stupid hours. I encountered a slight problem with Photoshop earlier and now, still here, I’ve also worked out that I haven’t done any ‘computer housework’ for much too long a time and it’s being darstardly slow in cleaning things up.

How’d my Sunday shape up?

Well, church this morning was hot (it being a good 37C) and quite good really. After not being there last week, it felt a little like stepping back into something I know well but have been away from. Which not surprisingly is exactly what it’s been (heh). I spent some time catching up with a few of the youth girls afterwards which really just made me realise how I’d like to do more for them… where to start?

This afternoon was spent at Geoff’s place (bring on the swimming pool!) for his parent’s 25th wedding anniversary BBQ. It was good fun!

I went to Handel’s Messiah this evening with Geoff. A little different than last time. A lot less formal but still very good. We amused ourselves (when not preoccupied with the music) with the bored and scowling soprano, the guy with the awesome beard and the baritone whom I caught nearly sitting down too early, Ha! His sheepish smirk should have been beheld by all.

I was waiting in line for the toilet during intermission and I got chatting to the lady next to me. It turns out her daughter is the tenor’s partner and this was the first time she’d ever been to see The Messiah performed. I mentioned that I’d seen the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra last year. She asked me if I sang, “No”, then mumbled something about auditions and ‘it’s a pity’. On parting she said, “Better luck next time”. I am in no doubt that she really thought I had auditioned for some part… haha, me musical! I think not. I thought about rectifying the situation but then realised it’d be more trouble than I could be bothered with. Some things are easier left.

It was a fun evening and something I am glad I’ve done again.

Perhaps next year I’ll find a ‘sing-a-long’ Messiah performance and then I can really claim that talent!

General Life Music