The afternoon of glee and doom

b_be_happy1.jpgAnother 1am’er but what the ho, it’s Saturday tomorrow.

While you’re out clicking links. Try Free Music Friday yes it’s Christian music and it’s mostly Christmas stuff at the moment, I’ll be keeping an eye on it – I’ve always been a sucker for freebies.

Had a grand ol’ day, very laid back. I overslept (so not so good), had breakfast (oh yes, lets give the step by step), did week 2 of the Advent thing my sister puts together each year and was having a good read of The Pleasures of God when Jess came to drop something off – she stayed for a good hour so we hung out and got organised for various young adults thing (go look, we made a blog the other day).

After she left I cranked some Tracey Chapman and made Falafel for lunch, whereby the packet lied to me and I ended up quite ingeniously having to strain excess liquid out of the mix. They were exceptional when I finally got them cooked. I love falafel and tabbouleh, not that I had any of that. Sam called me mid-afternoon and ended up coming down to bring me a Christmas card from Sammy (the other one) and we watched (LET ME CONFESS) Gilmore Girls all afternoon, ate chocolate and generally had girlish fun.

On Gilmore Girls: I used to be quite anti that kind of thing after realising my little sisters were minorly obsessed. One afternoon this week I was exceptionally bored and home alone so I succumbed and put it on… now I’m hooked. Geoff and Dad (and Mum actually) all think it’s ridiculous. As I pointed out, I don’t go so far to pick a character to be… and couldn’t ever do that, unlike some I know. NB. I don’t and haven’t ever watched any soapies… this is borderline and I promise never to stoop that low again (at least not until after I get through the rest of the series).

This evening held an amusing car trip and a productive Christmas shopping expedition with Geoff which wound up back at my place fighting it out with Dad, Mum and Laura in a game of Boggle. Wow I found a boy who likes word games!!!! Just a pity he’s so good at them. I held the lead briefly (Mum doesn’t count ever – she’s pure genius) but lost it in the end. It’s interesting really, Dad and Geoff both run with the ‘find the biggest word possible’ strategy and Mum and I run with getting lots and lots of smaller ones and only big ones if they jump out or there is excess time. Really, Mum’s just plain good.

I stupidly (maybe just silly’ly but that’s more awkward to say) told Geoff that I’d work out something fun to do tomorrow late-afternoon/night (or is that tonight now). So please – let your suggestions (not too costly) pour in. I need some ideas. None of that ‘go out for dinner then go to the movies’ clichedness. I’m good at thinking up that kind of stuff already.


  1. said:

    I love board games too. But not the type that are slow moving and take hours and hours to play. Unless you’re with good friends. Then they’re alright, but only because the friends are providing the entertainment, not the game.

    December 16, 2006
  2. said:

    btw squiddy, we found your name in the paper for VCE results. Well done!

    December 16, 2006

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