Merry Christmas

Morning readers!

Hope you have a fantastic day and Merry Christmas (Why say happy when you have a good excuse to say merry!). Why you’d be online I don’t know?
-Bec (still in her PJ’s, swamped in enough homewares to set up a house and sick of badly sung carols by shonky cd’s already)

Guess what! It’s almost been a white Christmas – we had hail and it’s now cold wet and thundering, Melbourne is full of surprises!

Went to the carols in the city last night and had a blast. Wet and cold, but the best fun I’ve ever had a Christmas thing like that (went with Geoff and his family and 3 add-on boyfriend/girlfriends). Thank you Anne and Ron!

Still managed to keep up the ‘read the Hobbit’ tradition.

Happy Birthday Jesus 😛


  1. said:

    Merry Christmas!

    December 25, 2006
  2. said:

    I hope you had a good one! 🙂

    December 27, 2006

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