Many twos and ones

barefoot_beach_index.jpgThey are dropping like flies… in the nicest possible way.

Yesterday I got to enjoy watching a couple from school finally get married. It was a very nice but very pink ceremony. Old school friends were everywhere. The same day, Naomi (another friend from school) announced her engagement to Dan.

Tonight one of my cousins is having his engagement party. So, that’s Nic and Deb.

Next Weekend I’m heading up to Canberra for one of Geoff’s cousin’s weddings, only to come back for James’ and Kylie’s engagement party.

Oh yes, and Monica’s getting married in February. She has a pretty inspiring story (it may be written down somewhere – I’ll see if I can find out) and although extremely difficult, in many ways I am glad to have been a little part of it. I initially ‘met’ her through Gush. She supports me consistently in prayer – not bad for someone I’ve never met in person. I admire her immensely.

If you ever need a photographer, go and check out my friend James’ work, he is very good.

*and ten minutes later I walk into the lounge room and Hannah shows me some photos of Carolyn and Chris’ wedding.


  1. said:

    April 5th

    January 20, 2007
  2. said:

    ahh, paul beat me to it… 😉

    april the 4th is very soon bec…

    January 20, 2007
  3. said:

    *rises one eyebrow in an attempt to look unimpressed, but cannot contain the beginnings of a smirk*

    January 21, 2007

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