Wow. I somehow missed sharing that on Sunday Geoff and I headed up to Ranges Community Church. Our friends Scott and Christina are the pastors up there and Geoff was invited to speak.
It was really good to visit a little, fairly new church to see how things played out there (I really liked it) and Geoff did a fantastic job talking about Nathan and ‘speaking the hard word’ and being responsive in a David like way. I am unsure if they recorded it but will link there if it appears.
thanks Bec – it was great having you both, and I really enjoyed Geoff’s words on Nathan (hmmm, been a while since I last read that story). We did record it and Scott will probably edit it tomorrow (it also features Scott’s closing song). There will be a link soon on our Ranges blog…
[…] few Sunday’s ago Geoff and I were up at Ranges. I said in this post that I’d let you know when Geoff’s sermon was up online, now it is, so here’s the […]