Circle of Friends

quiet-print-c10046161.jpegA book turned movie is always an interesting thing, sometimes fairly tragic and yet unashamedly I admit – can be enjoyed in their own right if a certain amount of disassociation is present.

For the sake of an indulgent night at home, it served it’s purpose very well. Just me, tea, hotwater bottle, doona and a girly dvd.

Circle of Friends. Based on the Maeve Binchy book of the same title. I read the book a year or so back and loved it. I like her stuff – not all at once, but now and then.

The movie didn’t have the time/space to explore the characters emotional levels – which is a large bit of the good that adds to the standard romantic/friendship thread of the book, but I remembered a fair chunk of it, and Irish accents and ‘the 50’s’ are always good fun.

Here’s to a night in!

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