Semester 2

duck.jpgI’ve scored a ripper timetable for uni this semester!

Not two days a week like the last, but much more kindly spread across three.

Monday – 12:30-5:30pm solid classes so it’s a big block but one that starts late and finishes comparably early.
Tuesday – 1:30-5:00pm with one half hour break
Wednesday – 8:30 (Online i.e: stay in my pyjamas) and classes at 2:00-4:00pm. That means NO early starts! This is perfect for a non-morning person.

All my lectures are also prior my tutes – which seems to work best.

Thursday and Friday are free for working and homework in the mornings.

This is fantastic!


  1. said:

    wow. i start uni classes again in late august and i’d be kissing the ground if i get a time table like yours. i hate waking up in mornings too!!! i’m miss grumps! haha

    July 27, 2007
  2. said:

    Hi gilda,

    Thanks for dropping by!
    Are you at uni in Australia?

    July 27, 2007

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