
Click to view my Personality Profile page

Get yours here. It is interesting as my Myers Briggs stuff seems to have swung back to INTJ (from ISTJ), I am still by far less J than I used to be… perhaps I have mellowed. I am also less ‘T’ which I’ll need to think about. I approve of this test, the questions were broad and seems to have conveyed stuff fairly accurately.


  1. said:

    I find the changes over time interesting. The differences between people are fascinating too. We must connect on the Verbal/Linguistic level!

    August 13, 2007
  2. […] Well, after a few people did these; and having someone comment on how another personality test gave them a great insight into how I’d been reacting in a specific situation, I thought I’d better post my results up. INFP (as distinct from the INFJ I’ve got previously on Meyers Briggs) is classified as “The Dreamer”. Anyway, just in case you care. See Bec’s at her blog here. […]

    August 13, 2007
  3. Dad said:

    A real chip off the old dad block.

    August 13, 2007

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