My usual 8:30am status of sitting online (for a class) was disrupted this morning by an excursion to Heide Museum of Modern Art. Kellie met me at Box Hill nice and early, and we got on the right bus.
Had you been driving around the Manningham area this morning you would have seen two rather purposefully walking but confused girls. We managed to get off the bus WAY too early and spent a while on the phone trying to work out where we were. The next bus was excessively late. We made the 10:00am timeslot 45 minutes late. Missed half of the tour and still got the thumbs up from our tutors. Stressful – a little.
It was a really good experience to share. Nothing like getting to know someone better when you’ve got nothing else to do but talk and speculate on the location of some hideous-to-find specialist art shed. (Oh should I take that back?).
It was quite an interesting exhibition although I do not think that modern art at it’s purest will ever be totally and completely in my heart – some yes, the rest I am happy to leave in every other beach house that hasn’t quite been renovated.
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