castle.jpgA couple of things.

I looks like Facebook has grown a brain and actually started including the text of a ‘wall post’ into it’s reminder emails. That or it fluked one. Regardless this is cause for celebration, but I can’t be stuffed, because….

I’m stuffed.

Last night was our youth group sleepover (ie. Friday Night finale for the year). I’d have to say it was a step up from the previous one in terms of maturity on the kids’ behalf. We were fairly ‘short staffed’ but Paul nicely came as a fill in for various parts of it.

As for sleep, I probably copped the worst of it having to stay up for the understandable position of a friend sightly panicking about her friend’s asthma and the absence of a puffer. This resulted in an amusing phone call from the girls to parents, not waking them – despite it being 2am as their two mum’s were up enjoying a night out. Which led to a further wait for drop it off and the peace of mind. While this was happening one of the other girls fell off a sofa bed and continued to sleep, we put a pillow under her but she didn’t want to move, so she stayed there the whole night.

Tip for youth leaders running sleepovers, “No breakfast until everything is packed up and clean”. Works a treat.

Now I am tired and Geoff is feeling sick and has gone home and I’m reading a really interesting book about South Africa, but I really should go to bed. Right now.

Books Church Life Ministry