Geoff and I are pretty big suckers for games. Board games, card games, any games.
For Christmas Geoff took a punt and got me Blokus Duo (ie. Two person Blokus) and hit on a winner. It’s a strategy game that continually changes. I am unashamedly quite good at it, it’s my kind of thing – because it’s my kind of thing, we got the four person version for my Dad’s birthday present – the four person version is also very good.
The other game we’ve gotten into lately is Munchkin. Munchkin is a spoof of role playing games (Of which my opinion is still unsettled towards the negative).
Munchkin was introduced to us by our friends Beth and Brian who got us a set of cards for our engagement present. It’s taken a bit of learning to get it as it’s fairly complicated and still longer to establish any kind of strategy. We got together a few nights back with 12 of us and had a Munchkin evening (with three sets going). The game itself is quite amusing with stupid characters on the cards and ridiculous helmets etc. We own Star Munchkin.
It’s all good fun.
Geoff and I are keen on playing Settlers of Cattan (?) if anyone owns it? We’ve heard it’s good but want to borrow it before we go and buy.
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