Some great news re. the dedication of the Pijin Bible this year. That and Geoff and I will also be heading overseas in the middle of the year so I can show off where I grew up and celebrate with family and friends about it all being done. Finally!
Dear Friends,
I have just heard some wonderful news that the cabinet of the Solomon Islands Government has officially decided to declare 2008 the Year of the Bible in Solomon Islands. There are a whole world of possibilities in this, one of which it seems is that they plan to make a significant financial contribution to the initial publishing cost of the Pijin Bible (their Parliament still has to pass the 2008 budget).
The formal launch for the Year of the Bible will be on 24 February. Churches will be encouraged to focus on the importance of the Bible in their various morning services. In the afternoon there will be a Bible march through town toward one of the large churches where a special programme will be held.
The planning committee seems pretty excited about the Year of the Bible and we hope excitement will grow and spread! They will meet again next Wednesday for more planning and will be nailing down the theme of the year and a Bible verse.
Please pray that all the plans will be strategic and effective in getting people to use their Bible and embrace the Pijin Bible when it is published. There will also be two New Testaments published this year in Solomon Islands – the Wala language NT in March and the Natugu language NT & Psalms in July.
Gerry (Bec’s Dad)
hey, I hope you’ve seen Sky Air World (or whatever it’s called)…if not, here ’tis:
Hey Bec – just wanted to hassle you for putting comments on my blog that have nothing to do with the post content. I’m having chicken for dinner tonight. I just thought everyone who reads your blog would like to know about it. In the spirit of making that trivial exclamation relevant to your post (and proving that I actually read it):
I’ll think of your pigeon bible while I’m eating my chicken. Nice to know someone cares about ministry to birds.
Apologies to anyone other than Bec who reads this. I know I should be ashamed of myself.
So I log on to ‘All Said And Done’ and find this rather fantastic and amazing news that the government has decided to declare 2008 ‘The Year of The Bible in Solomon Islands’. This makes me very excited for Bec and in particular Gerry and Melinda.
Next I look and see the most recent comment is from Paul, and thought process goes like this; Paul being the spiritually minded caring friend has set out to write something like congratulations, or offer praise to God. However…..
Paul – don’t you have study to do?