1. Chris Porter said:

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Lomography.com sells Holgas which are great for film Lomo.

    For best results you want to shoot C41 film and then crossprocess with E6 developer.

    For 35mm the Diana is a pretty good equivalent but i cant find the website for it. They also have a Holga 35mm version.

    Oh yeah, and some people have reported getting the same sort of effects by using a standard wide angle lens on an SLR, and buying a cheap filter to suit. You then smash the glass in the filter, leaving you with just the ring, and replace it with a plastic lens, or perspex sheet.
    Mucks up the colours nicely, and also gives a soft vignette.

    February 3, 2008
  2. said:

    Hi Chris. Thanks for the tip off 🙂

    while I remember…. did you have you camera at the wedding?

    February 4, 2008
  3. Chris Porter said:

    I did, although im yet to process my stuff from there. Ill send it over on a DVD, its about 2gb ish.

    February 4, 2008

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