Try this. It breaks, it tries to eat you when all you are doing is innocently sitting on it.
Geoff bought this bed when he moved out. It is now our bed. It was fine for ages. Then it turned evil. And one day a slat broke – okay… so we hiked into Ikea, spent another $50 or so and replaced it. Then the next week or so the midbeam ripped out of the foot of the bed (Stop thinking married thoughts!) because it did just break. We’ve tried fixing it and it lasted for about an hour then the slats started continuously slipping out until we jammed them in with cardboard. Cool. The bed works.
Then today the midbeam ripped out of the very sad looking screw holes again. Tonight we are sleeping on the floor.
Ikea, I am unimpressed. I am calling you tomorrow, but being 8 months on I no longer have a receipt, you have a three month returns policy and so I don’t really feel very hopeful. I’ve read up online and others have had the same problems.
The bed looks nice, but the design sucks.
It really does afterall emphasise the definition of design: in that design is about solving problems. This bed is my problem.
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