It sounds such a business term, people potential.
There have been a few people in my life (seperate from my family) who have, I think, seen potential in me and further still – let me know about it.
I have a small hunch that this has influenced who I am more than I realise.
Mrs. Fishwick, was my Year 8 English and Media teacher. She was personable and teacherly but that which met students with mutual respect. She ran a writing group and encouraged me to join. She ran the media team that put together the school magazine and let me play a role in some key decisions despite being one of the youngest there. She gave me a John Marsden book on writing when I left the school. I liked her, I had more than just ‘school work’ conversations with her.
Now here I am writing a lot and studying design. Interesting.
Then there are people like Rohan, Tilla, Warwick and Steve (Whom I know through YITS) and Mr. Youl, Jodi and Roger (High school teachers) and Renee (Youth Leader), who have either in action or word influenced me greatly and so have propelled me along.
I want to be like these people in that I take the time – small or large, to play a key role in someones life, to encourage or motivate, or celebrate. In skill or mind. They are an incredibly valuable type of individual to have around in a totally outward focussed way.
This is my small thanks.
Is “Steve”, Steve Said – your “kinda” friend? 😛
yes. oh shutup 😛
oh! we’re all old friends.
we had dinner at a indian restaurant…….that one time.
You will be just like that, I’m sure of it. I remember when I saw my name mentioned in a post you wrote ages ago about women you admire – I still clutch that comment to my chest and treasure it, and we haven’t even met in real life!
I know what you mean about outwardly focused people…it’s funny, but the people I admire most in the world aren’t those that get all the accolades – they’re not underachievers, but they are quiet achievers. None of them seem to have any idea just how special they are (oh, and Steve would be one of them! Shall we start a fan club?!)
Yay Steve! 😛
It’s funny what you say about the teacher thing, One of my most encouraging teachers was an Indonesian teacher. Go figure!