If you are viewing this by RSS you will not have noticed that All Said & Done has a shiny new look. It has been very long coming and has morphed entirely. I gave up on creating my own theme (I was nearly there) when I found this nice one typographywp and adapted it to look a little like what I was making in the first place. Why? Well, it’s got some cool little things going for it and is probably safer in IE than mine ever would’ve been.
Along the way I have discovered some lovely new plugins and better ways of doing things. You’ll notice that there is now a quotes (entirely self satisfying) widget and the good-reads/currently reading is lots cleaner. Unfortunately the whiz bang archive method I was going to use couldn’t cope with the oodles of backlog and so is currently not working. It’s a rather large disappointment really as it was quite nice.
So a few minor things to sort out, would appreciate if you notice any bugs/inconsistencies if you would let me know. Which you’ll have to do by commenting because I haven’t re-implemented the contact form yet.
…I’m a bit suspcious the feed itself has changed, which’d be a pain to you all. But better in the long run.
Also interested to know what you think, would you change anything?
Things not working:
- Gravatars seem to be misbehaving
- Favicon issue
- Archives Page
- List on the Categories page is a bit odd
To add:
- Twitter status
- RSS photo in sidebar (once I make photoblog!)
- Working Archives page
- Contact form