A few little lessons (about finishing things)

No, I am not way behind on my homework. I am talking about finishing in terms of printing.

a) it is a sad fact that block colours never come out super wonderful when you digitally print

b) binders care more about cutting precision than cheapo printers do (die Dinkums die, I paid you $65 for a print which you then proceeded to very badly trim!)

c) cheapo printers probably aren’t the best option… but I’ve made that mistake before

d) VERY cheap printers who will print A2 colour posters at $15 on 80gsm are worth avoiding at all costs! (That and fine text over a photo is entirely absorbed at 80gsm)

e) Amendola bookbinders in Blackburn are lovely, as is the guy at Print Express who knocked heaps of my more successful A2 print (on better stock, with a better printer.)

but hey… the big evil things that need printing/binding are now out of the way. Just have to deal with double sided A3 and long edge wire binding. I hate this point in semester, the printing places are ridiculously busy because no-one ever finishes that early to beat the rush and it’s so much to-ing and fro-ing.


  1. I’m pretty sure your apostrophes ought to be hyphens. Just sayin’.

    June 1, 2009
  2. ahhh I had this weird mental blank about what to do with it. thanks 😛

    June 1, 2009

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