2033590_f329b4dde8.jpgI’ve been bashing around in my little house on my own these past few days and shall continue doing so until the weekend where I’m heading off to Tasmania with work for a few days.

A close friend of my housemate’s died unexceptedly a few days ago – it’d be good if you could pray for her and for the girl’s family.

Tonight I’ve had a crack at making some homemade baked beans. We used to eat them now and then in the Solomons (influence of friends from the US). I didn’t have access to the recipe I know works, nor the time to soak pinto (etc) beans for over a day. So I scoured the internet and found this recipe.

I have added celery, used crushed tomatoes instead of tomato sauce, used brown sugar instead of molasses (only because I know other b-beans used brown sugar), minced garlic not cloved garlic a four-bean mix instead of pinto beans. Creativity….

It’s cooking now and smells rather good.

Unfortunately I pulled the glass cover off of my opshop casserole dish and put it in the sink and it decided to crack quite spectacularly on me because of the temperature change. Oh well…


Of all the weird things.

I mean, who hangs out their washing at 10:00 at night?

Who burns their dinner AFTER they’ve cooked it and have simply gone to reheat it.

It’s clearly not just me, this guy spends his time running away from cameras…

Weird, but aren’t we all.

Cooking Humor Life

tomatosoup.jpgTonight marks the first expression of distaste about having to cook for myself.

Due to both Isobelle (my housemate) and I being away for the weekend, our pantry has welcomed it’s usual hosts with open arms but really rather empty arms.

If I get home and I’ve had a long day, good or bad, I want decent food relatively quickly. Sometimes baked beans or scrambled eggs doesn’t cut it for ‘good’ and pasta is truly uninspiring unless it has something real in it – carrots for example. Carrots require cutting. Cutting is not fast.

So the bare pantry yielded the option of nachos which meant opening a whole packet of corn chips for just me, a can of mushroom soup (not nice on it’s own), a few other odds and ends and a packet of tomato soup.

I gave it some thought and remembered that sometimes I really quite like tomato soup and cheese on toast.

Tomato soup is not the most interesting of foods, least of all from a packet. Yet it does do a very curious thing in the microwave. If you mix it up with water and milk (As inspired by the directions on the back) it goes this watery disgusting liquid white with pinkish flecks. As you continue to heat it it gets a red skin on the surface, which when you mix disappears into more of the initial. Eventually the soup turns the colour it should. It doesn’t taste as good as from a can and that to start with has never been the most substantial or inspiring of foods.

I got the distinct impression of feeding my stomach with salty red water and cheese that had melted somewhat strangely.

Needless to say, where tomato soup sometimes distinctly hits the spot, sometimes it really doesn’t.

I’m trying getting over it by recalling the glorious lunchtime Eggs Benedict that I ate and eying off chocolate about an arms length away.

Cooking Life

cooking.jpgThe past two days have shown me what a gamble it is to meet and greet online recipes.

My grand excitement at the sight of two somewhat rotten banana’s in our pantry flew to a melancholic desire for hot beautiful banana bread. Are you getting sick of adjectives yet? By the way, it has to bread, not cake. Cake is not the same.

I improvised at the supermarket and returned with baking powder and baking soda to make sure I had all my bases covered. That of course was perfectly alright (and it did turn out to be baking soda) until I realised that I didn’t want to drive the 20 minutes back to my parents place to get the recipe, nor was anyone likely to be home to share it should I bother to call them up OR, I’m lazy. No problem. Google is a brilliant tool. So Isobelle and I perused a few quickly and settled on something that looked pretty standard.

We figured out the tiny little convection oven for the first time and after a short 10 minutes it smelt glorious.

The ripper of the recipe failed to include sugar and the brilliant cook I am didn’t even think about it.

Tonight I was seeking inspiration for dinner on a very minimalist pantry – plenty of baking powder – I came across a pasta sauce online that had three ingredients plus an optional basil pesto.

  • Spinach
  • Sour Cream
  • Can of Tomatoes

A somewhat odd assortment of things to have lying around, but all (bar the can which can keep) were there AND needed using up. Whaalah! A lot of pepper and a pinch of regret over the lack of basil, and I had dinner.

Being not the biggest fan of chunky tomatoes I declared to myself that pasta was good but not great. Geoff however seemed to think it was pretty alright and generally he has better taste than me.

Corny Conclusion: Recipes from the internet should always be used but never be trusted.


girl.jpgI did have something to say, but I’ve forgotten it, as it tends to go.

Isobelle and I declared it ‘house night’ and crashed in front of some classic girlish Pride and Prejudice. Homework is somewhat all over the place and I’m never quite sure what needs to be done next except that it has to be done.

I pulled one of my small journals out on the train home and used it. Weird, but good fun. Feels and probably is a reality that I haven’t written anything much in a while.

To conclude whatever I rambled on about, I listed down some goals. One was to provide this sadly lacking space with a bit of meat (for all those non vegos out there) or a few greens. We shall see.

I got home and cracked into some Strongbow and found left over lentil burgers that Isobelle made the other night. Glorious. I cooked a few more things and had a highly, highly enjoyable dinner.

While I’m on food. Geoff and I had the pleasure of visiting Scott and Christina the other evening and boy can Scott cook. I really, really enjoyed myself.

It’s a bit of a rare age group for me. All the people I know are really old, really young or roughly my age. That sounds intelligent. Oh how I miss conversation within a small group that has some depth intellectually! It’s been far too long without it, I’m all out of practice. I don’t know how I can say how deeply appreciative I am of people who take a little interest in your life seemingly from no-where.

Okay. I’m going to bed.

Cooking Life