I can now tell anyone how to fix Google Reader if they happen to have the same problem as I’ve had for the past week.

I have been living in the future, my computer was under the impression that it was Febuary the 8th 2008 today.

This doesn’t make me feel very intelligent.

I am now on real time and getting fed! This is happiness for a nerd.

Life Technology

Ahh the wonders of networking and this tool designed to both assist and consume it.

I am quite a fan of the Internet.

It’s has led not only to dinner (see previous post) but also to paying nothing for an A3 folder for uni.

Let me introduce you to Freecycle.

“Our mission is to build a worldwide gifting movement that reduces waste, saves precious resources & eases the burden on our landfills while enabling our members to benefit from the strength of a larger community.”

Freecycle is a worldwide operation but with local networks. I joined the closest to me several weeks ago and although haven’t yet put anything up to be given, I have been keeping my eyes out. Yesterday it proved fruitful.

I drove maybe 10 minutes to pick up the folder but payed nothing – saved about $10. It has been used before of course, but it’s still good and will be thoroughly useful.

A wheel snapped off my computer chair last night – perhaps I should look out for one of those… or you know, live with it.

Life Social Justice Technology

sad-mac.jpgThere are a few things I’ve sworn I’ll never do.

  • Join Myspace
  • Buy an Ipod (with this comes you know, being a Mac user)

As you may well know, I am now definitely an owner of a Myspace account. Not a very proud owner but it’s good for killing time and commenting on those frequenters where it’s seemingly the only way to keep in touch.

I have long ranted about Ipod ‘brand-name’ horrors, Apple’s ‘think different’ slogan doesn’t help, however I have come around and now admit that they have got a very nice interface and one would be very helpful to a) store music – a lot more than my little iRiver can hold, and b) act as an external hard-drive. That of course immediately means I’m after a video Ipod and that adds a few hundred dollars on the price.

(I want one)

And then being a multimedia turned design student there’s the harsh exposure to this foreign operating system for a girl extremely adept with Windows. A slow and painful but secretly exciting journey into discovering new shortcuts and extreme frustration over having only one mouse button.

And then friends get Macs and Geoff gets one from work and Bec see’s and drools. Stunning interfaces, remote controls, kind-eye graphics, stability and other niceities and in turn has to peform doctor to her ever decreasing hard-drive size, uninstalling programs reluctantly to conserve space, going with Windows Media Player over Itunes (the could-be compromise of at least one nicer looking program) but there’s no room for wma conversion to mp3. Sad. And she cries in her mind when someone says they still use Internet Explorer and so on and so forth.

(I want one)

I can probably get to a point of justifying it – it would be extremely helpful for uni and whenever I do go to buy a new computer it will be one.

How often do you update your whole computer? Do you know anywhere I can get a super-dooper cheap Mac, not just Apple Education prices – something like: not quite the latest and greatest and then have the miraculous happen a thrown in Adobe CS2 (Mac version).

Alas. I feel materialistic. I feel poor. The closest I come to owning anything Apple is an Ipod magnet.
