Lifestyle – thoughts on worship

3 posts today. A bit extravagent, but I’ve somehow been sitting on three (or more levels) at which God has shown me various stuff. Today has been not far short of mind blowing.

After an indepth discussion on worship last night:

Rebecca Other person


…’wow lets get pumped for God’…. its hard to explain… something just really dont go down well, in my head or what? style is a factor that plays a little too much into stuff. but I really dont enjoy it.

zeals a thing I’ve kind of been weighing up lately… the whole abandon to God thing has always thrown up barriers to me… I mean Im ok when Im on my own.

but that took me long enough to ‘work up courage to even ask God’ to change… ‘being bored’ with him… alone.

I guess it’s me finding a way I can love God with my heart, soul, strength, mind etc… and still be conservative bec, but not conservative, comfortable.

passionate doesn’t equal jumpy hyper etc
you can be passionate and still “conservative”
i think passion is internal, not about jumping etc

but surely there is external expression… somehow

but it will affect the way you speak and live but it doesn’t mean you have to change your personality

I know there is… like I’ve never been a huge, say ‘crier’ so to speak. and God will make me cry. when I’m on my own. etc…

it sometimes feels the church world is pushing for that outward expression and leaves behind those not comfortable with it…

outward is expression as you said is hardly evidence of passion.

i guess what i was thinking is that if you’re a quiet person, being passionate doesn’t mean you have to become like… xxxx for example…. different personality

but if you’re fully sold out and passionate for God, then that passion will affect the way you live, the way you speak, etc

although when you’re at church and you really connect with God you will respond… whether that’s physically or in your heart… it’s about a lot more than that

There was a lot more to it, and I’ve cut out heaps…

Anyway, today God showed me Matthew 22:37 again:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”

He pointed out to me (I think, or my head did 🙂 that no where did it stress the physical aspect of it: even the simplicity of raising hands or closing eyes.
The importance and emphasis is on the, all your heart, soul and mind.

Zeal doesn’t have to be in our hype, those other factors are far more important.

Worship is a lifestyle afterall (or should be).

It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship.
John 4:23 (MSG)

We need to each express our worship as suits us best, truthful to who we are in telling God how much we love him. Become genuine.

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